We Help Founders Launch Companies With Focus on Culture+Technology:

Legendarium combines ideas, expertise and unique network to address challenges in the creative economy.

Superior ideas

Our ideation process in the culture industry involves a deep understanding of the market and the needs of creators and art enthusiasts.

Unique expertise

With our connections and expertise, we can help entrepreneurs navigate the complex and nuanced world of art and turn their vision into a successful business.

Range of Resources

From mentorship programs to funding opportunities, we provide the support and guidance needed to turn your vision into a successful business.

Perfect launch

With our support, founders can develop their ideas, create an effective business plan, and launch their venture with confidence.

CultTech = Culture + Technology

CultTech is the application of technology to the benefit of culture and society. It has the potential to empower creators and consumers, enable massive access to culture and foster new economic models.

Our vision

We strive for a world where culture is freed from financial constraints, and all humans can access it to empower their lives. Through the use of technology, we leverage culture as a core element of human growth.

The music industry includes creating, recording, producing, and distributing music. It encompasses a wide range of genres, from classical to pop to hip-hop. The industry also includes live performances, music videos, and merchandise sales.
Visual Arts
Visual arts are a vital part of the creative economy. They include everything from painting and sculpture to photography and performance art.
Theater is an important part of the creative economy. It involves producing and performing plays, musicals, and other theatrical productions.
Museums and Galleries
Museums and galleries are important parts of the creative economy. They involve displaying and promoting visual art and other cultural objects.
Architecture is another important part of the creative economy. It involves designing and planning buildings and structures.
Film and Video
Film and video production is a major part of the creative economy. It involves creating movies, TV shows, and other video content.
Animation is a growing part of the creative economy. It involves creating animated content for film, television, and other media.
Publishing involves the production and distribution of books, magazines, newspapers, and other written materials.

Startup Studio Process

Building a successful culttech startup is a complex undertaking. Legendarium Startup Studio process breaks down the journey into five key stages that we believe are essential for any new venture.


Generating Innovative Business Ideas

During the ideation phase, we work with you to develop a winning idea that meets the needs of your target audience. We conduct market research, analyze industry trends, and brainstorm with you to generate innovative ideas that have the potential to disrupt the market.



Conducting market research

In the validation phase, we put your idea to the test. We conduct user testing, market research, and feasibility studies to validate your concept and ensure that it has the potential to succeed in the market.


Product Development

Creating a minimum viable product (MVP)

Once your idea is validated, we move on to the development phase. We work with you to create a minimum viable product (MVP) that meets the needs of your target audience. Our team of experienced developers works to build a product that is scalable, user-friendly, and designed to meet the needs of your customers.


Developing a go-to-market strategy and executing a launch

The launch phase is all about bringing your product to market. We work with you to develop a go-to-market strategy, create buzz around your product, and drive customer acquisition. Our team has the expertise to help you launch your product successfully and start generating revenue.

Growth and Scaling

Developing a plan for scaling

Finally, in the growth phase, we help you scale your startup and achieve long-term success. We work with you to develop a growth strategy, optimize your product, and build a sustainable business model. Our goal is to help you take your startup to the next level and achieve your vision for the future.

Ars Longa, Vita Brevis




BridgeDAO.art is a new type of art company that uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized and democratic art ecosystem.


The AI-powered Cultural Event Management Software is a startup technology that provides an all-in-one solution for managing cultural events. This software utilizes cutting-edge artificial intelligence to automate event management tasks and provide real-time data analysis to event organizers.
Edutainment platform

Edutainment platform

Startup offers personal development and self-awareness content through the medium of art.